Thursday, September 29, 2011

Thank You

Before I get a bad reputation for constantly spitting venomous, invectives targeted at A-hole customers, I would like to, first, express my love for the job that I have. For the most part, I truly appreciate working in the service industry and have always taken pride in what I do.

It is, actually, BECAUSE of my passion, and devotion to my job, that I address certain issues as adamantly, and fervently, as I do.

With that being said, I will never apologize for the asshole customer. They are cancerous, morale-breaking DBAGS that need to be made aware of their violations. It is them that give the service industry a bad name. Ironically, however, it is also the service industry in which allows their behavior, if only to preserve, as well as perpetuate, the cyclical nature of the business.

It is my duty, as well as my mission, to give excellent service to every customer I wait on, on any given shift, on any given day. I have a tremendous amount of pride in what I do. However, I also have a tremendous amount of self-respect. It is not in my constitution to allow some asshole to treat me like dog shit. We, as a society, are told to always exercise self-assertion in any adverse situation we may encounter. However, the "customer is always right" mentality seeks to eliminate this self-assertion process, thereby rendering a server weak and indefensible to an array of degrading, disrespectful, and, at times, hostile behavior.

I can't stand for that and I never have. So, it is no surprise that a lot of my posts will be aimed at said DBAGS.

However, a lot of my posts will be stories that recognize the gracious efforts of awesome customers. These people make the job totally worth it. These people are WHY I do what I do. They are good-natured, good-humored people that are a pleasure to have. I am thankful to these people and the relationships I've engendered over the years.

So, to the customer that makes the job worth doing: Thank you! Keep Coming. I am honored to have you.

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